A couple of photos of my first night in London. My three beautiful great nieces. Lisa and Lucas certainly are very busy with the three girls - Macie, Isla and Pearl. It was great to spend time with my sister Roe, although I'm not quite sure how her health really is.
Either 29 or 30 April!!
Well, it is 1:15pm your time, heavens only knows what time in what zone I’m in. Have just flown over Greenland, so not far out of London after this epic travel. I left Melbourne 11:20am yesterday morning and only have another 2 1/2 hours to go!!
Trip started well, as I asked to be upgraded to Economy Plus for the trip from LA to London. I had already upgraded the Melb/Syd/LA trip.
Asked how much and didn't have to pay!!
Of course, someone in customs commented on my Nancybird handbag and how fabulous it is.
Also, stated that I must be a seasoned traveler, as I knew exactly what to do. Gosh you can bluff your way sometimes. But of course, when I got to LA and going back through customs, they called my bag aside as I had forgotten to empty my water bottle. I was most apologetic and a little embarrassed and they were fine!!
Some guy my age got chatting and told me I look like Helen Mirren. Is that a pick up line?
Arrived in London. Battled suitcase back pack and oversized packed Nancy bird through peak hour on the tube. What an experience. Certainly no patience when it’s time to be at work on a Friday morning before a long weekend and this old lady stands on the wrong side of the escalator!
Am now sitting in a little cafe in Hackney with my sister.
Will write from Ireland.
Love to you all!